1. What is JavaScript Array?
JavaScript Array is the sum of many numbers, strings, and object.

2.What is Array prototype concat()?
The concat() method is used to merge two or three arrays. And the concat method create a new array.

3. What is Array prototype push()?
The push() method adds a new item to the end of an array and return a new length.

4.What is Array prototype unshift()?
The unshift() method add a new item to the beginning of an array and return a new length.

5. What is Array prototype pop()?
The pop() method remove last item from an array and return a new value.

6.What is Array prototype shift()?
The shift() method remove first item from an array and return a new value.

7.What is Array prototype toString()?
The toString() method returns a string representing the specified array and its elements.

8.What is Array prototype toString()?

9.What is Array prototype join()?
The join() method returns the array as a string.

10.What is Array prototype reverse()?
The reverse() method reverses the items in an array.